1. Deafheaven – Sunbather
2. Tim Hecker – Virgins
3. Burial – Rival Dealer
4. Kanye West – Yeezus
5. Jai Paul – Jai Paul
6. Oneohtrix Point Never – R Plus Seven
7. Blood Orange – Cupid Deluxe
8. Autre Ne Veut – Anxiety
9. The Knife – Shaking the Habitual
10. Julia Holter – Loud City Song
11. The National – Trouble Will Find Me
12. Forest Swords – Engravings
13. Yellow Eyes – Hammer of Night
14. Jon Hopkins – Immunity
15. Vampire Weekend – Modern Vampires of the City
16. Majical Cloudz – Impersonator
17. Boards of Canada – Tomorrow’s Harvest
18. Danny Brown – Old
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. Fuck Buttons – Slow Focus
20. My Bloody Valentine – m b v
21. Pusha T – My Name Is My Name
22. Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds – Push the Sky Away
23. The Range – Nonfiction
24. Ty Segall – Sleeper
25. Phosphorescent – Muchacho